St. Pete Catalyst; Published By: Veronica Brezina

Performers at the soon-to-open amphitheater in Coachman Park will have to hold back on shooting confetti into the air, as it will be among several environmentally damaging activities banned at the Clearwater venue.
During a Clearwater City Council work session, Ruth Eckerd Hall Director of Operations Brianna Hartigan presented administrators’ sustainability plan for the amphitheater – recently named The Sound – that’s part of the City’s $84 million waterfront project Imagine Clearwater.
Once completed, the venue, which Ruth Eckerd Hall will fully operate, will have a 22,649-square-foot bandshell with 4,000 covered seats and lawn space for another 5,000 people. REH is programming at least 35 events a year and will also provide staffing and manage the food and beverage services.
Hartigan said REH will ban plastics including balloons and single-use plastic cups and straws.
Additional sustainable practices REH will be adopting for The Sound: Read more