Published By: Black Enterprise

Today, 28-year-old Duke Alexander Moore is living many a millennial entrepreneur‘s dream: He’s successfully zeroed in on his niche and is using social media to turn a major profit.
The founder of seven-figure business Duke Tax, a membership-based tax service for creators, influencers and entrepreneurs, Moore parlays his extensive tax knowledge into content for his TikTok account @dukelovestaxes, which presents critical tax tips with an entertaining flair to its 3.4 million followers.
But the path to becoming a multi-million-dollar business owner wasn’t a straightforward one.
Despite having an entrepreneurial spirit for as long as he can remember (he sold CDs, complete with graphics and labels, in elementary school), Moore found himself at a difficult crossroads after college. “I got in trouble because I was selling things I was not supposed to be selling,” he tells Entrepreneur.
Having a record made finding employment difficult. In 2014, at 24, Moore had secured a job at a warehouse as a forklift driver, but he was deeply unhappy. Read more