For applicants selecting the in-person submission option, portions of the application will be completed via an in-person presentation at the Foundation for a Healthy St Petersburg located at 2333 34th Ave South, St Petersburg, FL 33711, between October 2, 2023, and October 6, 2023. You must sign up for a one-hour timeslot below. Each of the five application reviewers will attend your presentation, which will be video recorded and uploaded into the grants portal by Foundation staff. The in-person presentation will be guided by each section of the application and will not allow you to share information outside of application questions. Each section of the application that allows for an in-person presentation will have a time limit. Any portion of the presentation exceeding the time limit assigned to that section will not be reviewed. The reviewers will not ask questions of the presenters. Upon reserving your time for the presentation, should you choose this submission option, you will receive an email with detailed information regarding logistics. Please select October in the calendar below, review the dates between Oct 2nd and 6th, select a date, and then select the time that works for you and your team.