The Root; Published By Kalyn Womack

The Randy Cox case so far has gotten five officers kicked out of the New Haven police department. Now, two more officers have been fired from the department for their role in handling Cox when he’d been paralyzed in the back of a police van, according to The Associated Press.
Officer Oscar Diaz, the driver of the van and Sgt. Betsy Segui, the detention area supervisor, were fired from the police department following a 5-0 vote from the New Haven police commissioners. The two are accused of misconduct and lack of compassion in how they treated Cox after he’d been paralyzed in the back of a police van during transit. In the June 2022 incident, the driver hit the brakes to avoid hitting another vehicle but as a result, Cox flew headfirst into the metal wall inside the van and injured his neck.
The officers involved are seen on body camera footage ignoring Cox’s pleas for help and accusing him of faking when he said he couldn’t move. An internal affairs report found the driver of the van was Officer Diaz and the one mocking Cox for being drunk was Sgt. Segui. Read more