HomeOpportunitiesDeuces Sidewalk Market

Deuces Sidewalk Market

We are a FAMILY FRIENDLY Market. All information and products sold and/or marketed at Deuces Sidewalk Market must be accessible to children and families.

Accepting artists, makers, crafters and creative businesses.
-We are NOT accepting Food Vendors including but not limited to Food Trucks, Treats, Pre-Packaged Goods.
Food Vendors, please consider vending at Southside Fresh Market! Right across form Deuces Sidewalk Market. The Southside Fresh Market allows market goers to make food purchases with SNAP (food stamps) which is great for families visiting the corridor.

Please submit your interest to vend and someone from our team will confirm approval for your requested vend date

Deuces Sidewalk Market
Sundays – 1p – 4p
833 22nd St. S. S
St. Petersburg, FL 33712

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