The Root; Published By: Jessica Washington

Not to promote bullying or anything, but it turns out that dogging something for months can be effective. After facing a ton of backlash from notable Black scholars, the College Board said they’d be revising their AP Black studies course again.
In a statement on Monday, the College Board announced that they’d be making the changes over the next few months. “We are committed to providing an unflinching encounter with the facts and evidence of African American history and culture,” they wrote.
Here’s a little refresher course for anyone who forgot about all the backlash. The new African American AP course pilot was initially met with a ton of fanfare from Black scholars, who praised the range of topics and experiences captured in the class. But after facing backlash from the right, the College Board amended the course, removing the works of renowned Black scholars like Kimberlé Crenshaw, who pioneered the legal theory of Critical Race Theory. The new course also relegated the Black Lives Matter Movement and reparations to optional subject areas.
The Root interviewed Black scholars about these changes back in February, and they did not hold back. Read more